I have a problem with the import of a dataport, it was designed to import a txt file into a sales order, we use validates to import the txt but it does not work as we wish, because I would like to reserve automatically and it is has been impossible to do.
The validate trigger of Product code makes the reserve when you do it manually, but not with the dataport, could anyone help me?
thanks in advance.
Is product code a standard navision field in financials?
Anyway, have you tried inserting the sales line before you validate the field?
If the primairy key is complete you can insert the record, then if the record is complete you can do a Modify.
I have designed a Report that only validate the quantity of this sales order and the reserved field is still blank, I think I will Shoot the monitor the next time I see this blank field.
Thank you.
Apparently, validating the quantity does not do the trick, so you need to figure out what does. I believe there is a function that you can send in a Sales Line that does this, but I'm not sure which one it is. I would turn on the debugger and find out.
So when I debug it is only in process and it takes a lot of time to find the code to reserv, and then I can´t open de code.
If you have the dataport designer, you should have access to running the debugger. Are you a SUPER user? Usually I can run the debugger on my customer licenses. Even if you can't open the object designer, you can figure out what the program does and duplicate it in your dataport.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
And Yes, I use the insert and modify function before the end of the Dataport, in the OnAfterImputRecord
The reservation is made from a trigger in the sales order form.
This will not be run the way you do it, so copy the code from the onaftervalidate of the field quantity in the form.