i have just restored a database frp, live, iam gettin SQL error after restoring the database in sandbox server, the database located on Azure. i have tried to sync the database
via Tools-> "Buld server application object " whch comes with bunch of ForNav objects. i have have finaly tried on powersheel sync-NAVtenat with no luck , comand in powersheel was "Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance 'NAVPREPROD' -Force"
your answer is highliy apreciated .
Best regards
error example "Buld server application object "
UPDATE [Dev_Nav].[dbo].[Object] SET [Compiled]
10 Report 6188525 ForNAV Tax Sales Quote Error 0 Der opstod følgende SQL Server-fejl i forbindelse med aktivering af tabel Object: 3910,"42000",[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Transaction context in use by another session.

error when i try to compile the objects.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
The following SQL Server error or errors occurred when accessing the Object table:
3910,"42000",[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Transaction context in use by another session.
UPDATE [Dev_Nav].[dbo].[Object] SET [Modified]=1,[BLOB Reference]= NULL,[Date]={ts '2022-11-11 00:00:00.000'},[Time]={ts '1754-01-01 12:32:39.722'} WHERE ([Type]=3 AND [Company Name]='' AND [ID]=50019) AND ([timestamp]<=0x00000000E3C1D601)