I have a problem about blank fields control in customer card. What can I do about blank field control. If "Phone No." is blank, Customer Card should't close and the field should't pass . Pls help ](*,)
The controlling of the property NotBlank is only exectuted when the field is validated. When the User doesn't enter a value he will be able to close the form.
You have to look for a field-value in the OnQueryCloseForm-Trigger of the form by programming. If the field is empty you have to state an error "The field ... should not be emtpty". Then the Form will not be closed!
You have to look for a field-value in the OnQueryCloseForm-Trigger of the form by programming. If the field is empty you have to state an error "The field ... should not be emtpty". Then the Form will not be closed!
Hope this helps.
It is realy not a navision thing but sometimes users demand it.
PS: NotBlank works perfecly on primary key fields, also when creating new records.
remember search is your friend O:)