
How to remove underscores on the excel layout report in Business Central

BC_FirstBC_First Member Posts: 1

Am new in business central and I want to create the excel report layout.

This is what I did,
1. I selected my filters on the report request page
2. Click on Send to
3. Select the Send to Excel (Data only)
4. Then run the report.
5. It download the excel report.

The report headings comes with underscores (e.g Posting_Date) and I want to display Posting Date without underscores.
I have attempted to change the report column but I cannot as it requires me to have an underscore or make it one word (PostingDate).
Column(Posting_Date,"Posting Date"){}

When I change the report heading from Posting_Date to Posting Date, the system does not allow me to use that excel as a custom layout when I select it from the "Report Selection" then I get this error below error message

"The layout file couldn't be imported.
In the Excel workbook, the table named 'Data' on the 'Data' sheet has the following columns that aren't in report's dataset definition:Posting Date
This problem can occur, for example, if new columns were added to the table directly in Excel. You'll also see this message if you've mistakenly imported the layout on the wrong report."

May you please help me with a way to make this excel layout work without underscores

Thanks, much appreciated your time.

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