You do not have the following permissions on CodeUnit Prova: Execute

kuhikuhi Member Posts: 18
In Dynamics Nav 2018 I made this codeunit 50006 called Prova:

When I Ctrl+R or run it will display this error message:
You do not have the following permissions on CodeUnit Prova: Execute

My user has SUPER permissions.

If it's a license thing I really don't know how to check that.

How can I run this codeunit? Or check if it's a license issue?


  • kuhikuhi Member Posts: 18
    I've tested to create a REPORT and run it:
      PurchHeader."Buy-from Vendor No." := 'RONALDO';

    It ran but I got this error:
    You do not have the following permissions on TableData Purch. Inv. Header: Modify
  • KTA8KTA8 Member Posts: 399
    Check your permission, you don't like that you've super ones
  • ShaiHuludShaiHulud Member Posts: 228
    Your license is probably not configured to allow codeunit 50006. To check, you either need to connect to Business Center and check the license configuration, or get Detailed License Information txt/html file from whoever generated the license.

    For your report error, there's protection to prevent just anyone from modifying certain tables. In the report, you need to grant explicit permissions to allow modification of Purch. Inv. Header table.
    Are you coding in C/AL or AL? Because where and how you define it depends on it.
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