I'm trying to install 3rd party apps (Continia).
I'm getting an error about a codeunit (6192809) in the core app (which is installed without any problems, so it does exist).
Below the error:
Could not install the extension 'Continia Document Capture 365' by 'Continia Software' (version '') on tenant 'default' and company '' due to the following error: 'You tried to invoke the CodeUnit object with the ID 6192809 from the object Extension Triggers. An object with that ID does not exist in the current application.' and AL stack trace:
"CDC App Initialize"(CodeUnit 6085674).OnInstallAppPerDatabase line 15 - Continia Document Capture 365 by Continia Software
"Extension Triggers"(CodeUnit 2000000010).OnInstallAppPerDatabase(Event) line 2
In the mean time I've solved it by reinstalling the original file for the core app.
(for this I used a file generated by VSCode symbol generation, in the alpackages folder).
Didn't know this could be different, maybe this file was currupted.
Thanks for reacting!