Sales journal posting error

gregusggregusg Member Posts: 8

I added some rows to the Sales Journal with C/FRONT. When I want to post the lines (F11) an error message occurs:

something like that...

"Another user modified rows in the No Series Line Table , please replace the values..."
... Journal: "SALES" ... Line No: 10000

I'm using the navision only, installed locally and no other users connected to the computer. Important: I did not even opened the No Series Line Table in cfront !!!!!!!!!!!!! The checkline codeunit run without error, all the "Document no" and "line no" fields are following the auto increment and format.

Whats wrong? What is the correct understanding of this error?

Please help, I can't through this problem...



  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Is there a No. Series defined in the General Journal Batch?

    If so, the Document No. must mach the Next No from the No Series.
  • Christian_FeitlChristian_Feitl Member Posts: 17
    Some questions:
    Did you try to enter the same values in the same order manually to the journal - not using C/FRONT? Do you then receive the error, too?
    Did you turn on debugger to see where exactly the error comes from?

  • gregusggregusg Member Posts: 8

    Thanks the idea, but...

    Yes, there is No series in the JournalBatch. The checkline routine says if I do not give the next "document no" number....
    So the "Document No" is okay, the problem I wrote above comes after the checkline routine I think.

  • gregusggregusg Member Posts: 8
    Hello Chris!

    When I enter the same values manually from the Navision itself, it seems good, the Posting works.

    How to use the debugger? set the: (Tools / Debugger / Active) is enough?
    I'm trying to find the exact line in the codeunit somehow. I think the checkline routine is ok, the post line, or post batch gives the error.

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Try comparing the ODBC Records and the manual.

    Use CTRL+F8 on both records and copy the values to excel.

    Most likely is that tje ODBC records are missing some data.
  • gregusggregusg Member Posts: 8
    The exact place of the error:

    At the end of the Codeunit 13 Gen.Jnl. Post-Batch in the CODE() function.

    IF GenJnlBatch."No. Series" <> '' THEN

    ---- THIS Gives the error. its only a "NoSeriesLine.Modify" command. But what changed? what does it want to modify? It may be wants to write back the "last no used" column, but I do not understand why fails if I did not modified those table in CFRONT.

    IF NoSeries.FIND('-') THEN
    UNTIL NoSeries.NEXT = 0;
    IF GLSetupFound THEN

    Any Idea?

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