Passing value from Job Ledger Entry

samantha73samantha73 Member Posts: 111
edited 2022-05-13 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All
I've been trying to pass values to and from job ledger entries but it only works for header level fields like document no.
This is the trigger trying to get the job ledger entry line linked to planning line:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"Job Jnl.-Post Line", 'OnAfterJobLedgEntryInsert', '', true, true)]
    local procedure PassValue(JobJournalLine: Record "Job Journal Line"; var JobLedgerEntry: Record "Job Ledger Entry")

        JobPlanningLine: Record "Job Planning Line";

                    JobPlanningLine.setrange(Job no,JobJournalLine.Job No)
                    JobPlanningLine.setrange(Task no,JobJournalLine.Task No)
                    JobPlanningLine.setrange(Line no,JobJournalLine.Planning Line No)
                    if JobPlanningLine.findfirst() then
                    JobPlanningLine.Validate(Job Journal line, JobJournalLine."Line No.");//not working for each line but header

Or the other way around trying to pass a value from job journal to job ledger only does not work on line level. Is there a way to link job journal line to job ledger Entry line? I thought above code unit create one line at a time for each job Journal lines and you can access both job ledger entry line and job journal line


  • ChowdaryKChowdaryK Member Posts: 16
    create a function in the target page and use that function as a variable source page. call the function with arguements
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