I've got a SQL Stored Procedure that is called using one input parameter (sales order no.) and two output parameters (one text and one decimal field).
If I call the SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery and retrive the 2 output parameters, it works. However when I translate this to a SQLCommand.ExecuteReader call, the SQLDataReader returned has no records, no fields. It will not return any records, so not entering the loop.
Here's the code:
SQLCommand := SQLCommand.SqlCommand();
SQLCommand.CommandType := SQLCommand.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Create SQLConnection Object
SQLConnection := SQLConnection.SqlConnection('Server='+'serverxyz'+';'
+ 'Database='+'dbxyz'+';'
+ 'Integrated Security=True');
// Open SQL Connection
SQLCommand.CommandText('CallSPFromNAV'); // Pass Procedure name in CommandText Parameter
SQLCommand.Connection := SQLConnection;
// Supply First Parameter:
// Initailize SQL Parameter Object
SqlParamCycleCode := SqlParamCycleCode.SqlParameter();
// Parameter for Procedure
SqlParamCycleCode.ParameterName := '
// Datatype for parameter
SqlParamCycleCode.DbType := SQLDbType.String;
// Set direction to Input for input parameters
SqlParamCycleCode.Direction := SqlParamCycleCode.Direction.Input;
// Value that supplied to parameter
SqlParamCycleCode.Value := 'customerxyz';
// Provide size to passed parameter
SqlParamCycleCode.Size := 250;
// Add SQL Parameter Object to SQLCommand object
// Supply 2nd Parameter:
SqlParamCycleCode := SqlParamCycleCode.SqlParameter();
SqlParamCycleCode.ParameterName := '
SqlParamCycleCode.DbType := SQLDbType.String;
// Set direction to Output for output parameters
SqlParamCycleCode.Direction := SqlParamCycleCode.Direction.Output;
// No need to provide value in case on output parameter [But when direction is both type InputOutput then pass value]
SqlParamCycleCode.Value := '';
// When you want use the result from the SP then make sure to set the Size otherwise you will only get few characters in response
SqlParamCycleCode.Size := 250;
// Supply 3rd Parameter:
SqlParamCycleCode := SqlParamCycleCode.SqlParameter();
SqlParamCycleCode.ParameterName := '
SqlParamCycleCode.DbType := SQLDbType.Decimal;
// Set direction to Output for output parameters
SqlParamCycleCode.Direction := SqlParamCycleCode.Direction.Output;
// No need to provide value in case on output parameter [But when direction is both type InputOutput then pass value]
SqlParamCycleCode.Value := '';
// When you want use the result from the SP then make sure to set the Size otherwise you will only get few characters in response
SqlParamCycleCode.Size := 250;
// To execute the procedure
{**********************************THIS DOES NOT WORK****************************************
SQLDataReader := SQLCommand.ExecuteReader;
WHILE(SQLDataReader.Read) DO
message('enter read');
//Get Resource No.
ResourceCode := FORMAT(SQLDataReader.GetString(0));
//Get Amount
Amount := SQLDataReader.GetDecimal(1);
*****************************THIS DOES NOT WORK}
{ ***************************THIS WORKS (I made sure to only do a Select top 1*************************************************
SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery; //This only retrieves one record because I put Select top 1 in the SP
resourcecode := format(SQLCommand.Parameters.Item('
evaluate(amount, format(SQLCommand.Parameters.Item('
***************************THIS WORKS*************************************************}
MESSAGE('Returned Resource: %1, %2',ResourceCode, FORMAT(Amount));
// Close SQL Connection
// Clear SQLCommand Object
// Clear SQLConnection Object
Here's the Stored Procedure:
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@CustomerNo varchar(20),
@ResourceNo varchar(20) output,
@Amount decimal output
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
--SELECT top 1
@ResourceNo = [Resource_no],
@Amount = [companyxyz$Sales Header].[Prepayment _] <---- this line is for ExecuteNonQuery call
@ResourceNo = [Resource_no],
@Amount = [companyxyz$Sales Header].[Prepayment _]
from [companyxyz$Sales Header]
where [Sell-to Customer No_] =