XMLPort requestpage visibility before .run

txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
edited 2022-04-22 in NAV Three Tier
Hi All,

This is something I think I've done in the past dozens of times but, it doesnt seem to work or I can't find the event. If you want to pass a parameter to condition the visivility of certain fields in a requestpage, it seems like there isn't a trigger for this

X50026.SetDocType("Document Type"); doesn't work. I cant find suitable event.

howrver, "setdoctype" function runs after "oninitxmlport". "onprexmlport" runs just before you OK the requestpage. So there isn't any other trigger to pass a value before the requestPage is presented to the user.

Any ideas? thanks a lot.


onopenpage event, for requestpage. Still can't get used to AL. It used to be easier in the C/AL times.


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