Hi All,
How to populate custom fields displayed on Page - "Create Interaction" with standard fields from Outlook e-mail message?
I cannot figure out how to map field ("Subject", "From", "Sent") of the email message to custom field ("Mail From", "Mail To", Mail Received On", etc.).
Business Case: As email message is received, Sales Manager reads the received email message and creates an interaction, where the process should be automatized as much as possible.
Solution: BC Outlook Add-in is going to be used to insert a contact and create an interaction where custom fields are exposed ("Mail From", "Mail To", Mail Received On", etc.) and where procedure is going to automatically populate custom fields from fields of the email message ("From:", "To:", "Subject", "Sent") and the body text of the email message is going to be imported in the field "Comments" (blob datatype).
Could you please point me in the right direction on extending the Contacts Insights (BC Outlook Add-in) for BC SaaS?
I have extended standard tables (interaction log entry, segment line, etc.) and displayed those fields on required pages, and created/extended procedures to populate the data. Everything works as expected, except my knowledge is limited regarding the extension of BC Outlook Add-in.
And I need to insert the email body text to the comments field, that is of type Blob (using Azure Blob Storage) - I think I can use here InStream, OutStreams, right?
Also the signature part would be nice to include in some custom fields of the interaction.
and the visual representation of the issue:
Thank you
BR Damjan
I managed to get all data from email message in the custom procedure inserted in OnInitializeContext in CU: "Office Host Management", and I also created a custom table (copy of T1600 - "Office Add-In Context" where I added some additional fields and record is being copied from base T1600 to this new table, and data are being mapped from that new custom table to the T5077 as user is creating the interaction.
Thanks Damjan