Show undelivered Drop Shipment order lines in posted shipment

mfhmfh Member Posts: 28

When posting a shipment from a sales order, all order lines are copied to the posted shipment. Also the ones you did not ship any quantities for. This could be seen as a 'backorder' funtionality.
However, when using Drop Shipments, only order lines on which has been actually shipped/received are transferred to the posted shipment.
Customer would also ike to see the 'backorder' lines for Drop Shipments.

Any ideas on how and where to achieve this?



  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    It depends if you are using advanced warehouse or not (it looks like not, as you are just talking about posted shipments, not whse. shipments).

    Without looking into an example and the code is hard to tell but you would need to look into CU80, hook somewhere and include those lines. perhaps if you just need them in the posted shipment, you can add them as last step after nav posts the entries, just include them.

    check InsertShipmentLine function or somewhere there.
  • mfhmfh Member Posts: 28
    Hi txeriff, thanks for your reply. I was also looking in that direction. However, in this case for this customer, I can do a quick fix by replacing the DataItem Sales Shipment Line for Sales Line in the Sales Shipment report. But in general, I agree, I should look into CU80.
    Regards, Michiel
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