Create excel file from stream or from disk C/AL on prem

gatsby0121gatsby0121 Member Posts: 13
I need to load an excel template file from a folder on the computer (or from a blob), modify some cells, then send this to the client machine, without modifying the original file, and without prompting the user to upload the file.

Currently I have it all working, except for the last part.

Is there a report somewhere that does this that I can use as a reference? Or better yet, a tutorial? I haven't been able to find anything as of yet.


  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    edited 2022-03-15

    So you have all but "without prompting the file?"

    it depends how you've done it, I will assume you've used excel buffer table and it's functions.

    this is the function that opens the excel file:


    just pass the folder and the sheet and thats it.

    reading the rows and columns:
      IF ExcelBuffer."Row No." > 1 THEN BEGIN
        CASE ExcelBuffer.xlColID OF
          'A' : BEGIN
                  ItemFound := TRUE;
                  IF NOT Item.GET(ExcelBuffer."Cell Value as Text") THEN BEGIN
    UNTIL ExcelBuffer.NEXT=0;
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