how to find name within a name

navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161

newbie here

I have this name 'Name Name2 Name3 Surname'. From this I need to extract the surname.
How is this possible. If they were two names only, I could exclude up to the first space but what if they are more?

Best Answers

  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    Answer ✓
    can you provide an example?

    if the string has the format you have defined (with spaces between each word) then you can start looping from last char until you find a blank space, char by char
  • ShaiHuludShaiHulud Member Posts: 228
    Answer ✓
    FullName := 'Name Name2 Nam3 Surname';
    if StrPos(FullName, ' ') <> 0 then
      LastName := SelectStr(StrLen(DelChr(FullName, DelChr(FullName, '=', ' '))) + 1, ConvertStr(FullName, ' ', ','));
      LastName := FullName;
    SelectStr returns the specified element from a comma separated string.
    StrLen(DelChr(FullName, DelChr(FullName, '=', ' ')))
    returns the number of spaces in the name
    And +1 gives you the number of names, because there's always more names than spaces
    ConvertStr(FullName, ' ', ',')
    replaces spaces in the name with commas for SelectStr to work
    And we need to add a check that there really are spaces in the name (maybe incorrect data entry, or a case of mononym)


  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    Answer ✓
    can you provide an example?

    if the string has the format you have defined (with spaces between each word) then you can start looping from last char until you find a blank space, char by char
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    the format defined, yes. COuld you point me how to do this? would it be
    repeat until?
  • ShaiHuludShaiHulud Member Posts: 228
    Answer ✓
    FullName := 'Name Name2 Nam3 Surname';
    if StrPos(FullName, ' ') <> 0 then
      LastName := SelectStr(StrLen(DelChr(FullName, DelChr(FullName, '=', ' '))) + 1, ConvertStr(FullName, ' ', ','));
      LastName := FullName;
    SelectStr returns the specified element from a comma separated string.
    StrLen(DelChr(FullName, DelChr(FullName, '=', ' ')))
    returns the number of spaces in the name
    And +1 gives you the number of names, because there's always more names than spaces
    ConvertStr(FullName, ' ', ',')
    replaces spaces in the name with commas for SelectStr to work
    And we need to add a check that there really are spaces in the name (maybe incorrect data entry, or a case of mononym)
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    thank you!!!!! @ShaiHulud
  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    edited 2022-01-13
    I would use a loop and start from the ending, something like (untested):
    mystring:='Name Name2 Nam3 Surname';
      if copystr(mystring,vStrlen,1) =' ' then //here you may need to check if its a blank space, maybe convert it     
    until (vFound) or (vstrlen<=0)
    //now you know where last blank space starts copy  from there.
    //also vcharcount could be the difference between strlen(mystring)-vStrlen

    this ensures you always get the last word.
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    thank you @txeriff
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