I am currently using directed put away and pick for my location and have recently started testing transactions with warehouse class codes.
While I can get the initial inbound flow to work (Purchase Order receipt and Put Away) with warehouse class codes, FYI you need a bin for receiving and storage that match the warehouse class code of the items being received, I cannot get past using warehouse class codes on production orders.
My question is has anyone used warehouse class codes that are assigned to items and therefore bins with released production orders before and mind sharing some information on how I can push consumption and output for this transaction?
What I currently cannot get passed by on a released production order with a location that has warehouse class codes on items and bins, is the fact that I cannot get the warehouse pick to be created. If I go and try to assign a bin into the components or in the production journal I either get the error that the bin chosen cannot be selected or on the production journal that I cannot select a bin because it is a location with directed pick and put. See errors below.

Production Journal

Warehouse Pick

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.