
BC 18+: Use implicit Drill Down behavior of Global-Records'-field in Page Field

StLiStLi Member Posts: 83

I'm optimizing/cleaning up a page where there are two related records shown next to each other. One of the records is defined as the SourceTable, the other one is from a different table with a 1:1 relation. It is defined as a global variable which is retrieved in the OnAfterGetRecord-trigger with some conditional logic. - The fields of both of these Records are aligned parallel in two separate groups in the same tab and it is desired to maintain that alignment. (So I cant put the second rec into a page-part and refactor the record selection.)

Both records contain Flowfields which should be inspectable using the drill down-feature.

Here is the catch:

I'm trying to have as few redundant definitions as possible (code and properties). In this case here, the SourceTables' flowfields works fine, as the page translates the flowfield properties directly into the correct filters to open the DrillDown-Page. The problem is the second record, where the page doesn't implicitly abstract the desired behavior from it's source. - I COULD just set up all the properties similar to the flowfields' definition. But that would mean i'd have to set up some redundant "code" (properties, actually). - I'd much rather prefer to have/find a feature that would allow me to replicate the default behavior based on the existing flowfield definition. Something like "MyDemoRec".RunDefaultDrillDown("MyFlowfield"); - similar to the way you can use CaptionClass = "MyDemoRec".Fieldcaption("MyFlowfield") to get the defined caption of "MyFlowField" on a Page without it beeing a SourceTables'-Field

The benefit would be that one could change the flowfields' properties at will and the page woudn't need any editing to keep up with the new definition.

P.s. if you're struggling to imagine the data structure or situation; the relation is a bit similar to the link between Contact, Customer and Vendor in the Base-App. imagine you'd want to manually compare the values in the Contact- and the Customer-Table on one page next to each other. But the user should also be able to. Look at the posted Invoices related to those records, for example.

Thank you for your help in advance!
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