BC SaaS - Importing CSV - How to handle text Qualifier "My text,part2"

samantha73samantha73 Member Posts: 111
Hi All
I'm trying to import a CSV file with comma as separator but some field contain the comma as part of the text like"
"Unit1, Maple St ",NY,US
Is there a way to handle this in AL code instream or any other function. Currently using uplaodintoStream and LoadDataFromStream methods


  • samantha73samantha73 Member Posts: 111
    Ok guys..I did some tests and I could not get the Streams methods in AL but the good news is XmlPorts work with escape characters. Looks like developing with Streams is not the best for CSV files as sooner or later someone comes with text qualifiers
  • RainerRainer Member Posts: 103
    Just use semicolon as seperator.
    Kind Regards

    E-mail: info@rainerbay.dk
    Skype: rainerbaydk
  • samantha73samantha73 Member Posts: 111
    what ever you use as a separator someone can insert that in a text field so the solution is XMlPort, which has a built in method to handle this .."Address" field is just an example
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