what is the BOM journal?

nitosainitosai Member Posts: 5
hi every one~
:-s i wonder BOM journal. i got a manual about navision.
i have been finding about BOM journal at inventory manual when i met navision program.
when is BOM journal used? and how using?
give me a tip,
thank you~! [-o<


  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    It is used for simple "manufacturing" like assembling a computer or a promotion package. Be aware that Cost Adjustment does not work with BOM Journals - you need to develops a special adjustment program to handle it.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • jreynoldsjreynolds Member Posts: 175
    Shenpen wrote:
    Be aware that Cost Adjustment does not work with BOM Journals

    Cost Adjustment does work with BOM journals; it uses the BOM Register and BOM Ledger to determine if an item ledger entry that has been adjusted is a BOM component and if it is then it updates the BOM product cost as well.
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    It did not work in 3.6 and never seen it in the changes docs, however, I check it...

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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