codeunit 50000 "Json Library" { procedure PrettyPrintJsonContent(JsonContent: Text): Text var jObject: JsonObject; begin jObject.ReadFrom(JsonContent); exit(PrettyPrintJsonContent(jObject)); end; procedure PrettyPrintJsonContent(jObject: JsonObject): Text begin exit(DoPrettyPrintJsonContent(jObject, 0)); end; local procedure DoPrettyPrintJsonContent(jObject: JsonObject; Indent: Integer): Text; var tb: TextBuilder; begin tb.AppendLine(GetIndent(Indent) + '{'); tb.Append(FormatJsonContent(jObject, Indent)); tb.AppendLine(GetIndent(Indent) + '}'); exit(tb.ToText()); end; local procedure FormatJsonContent(jObject: JsonObject; var Indent: Integer): Text; var ValueContent: Text; Counter: Integer; i: Integer; tb: TextBuilder; jArray: JsonArray; jToken: JsonToken; ValuePair: Label '"%1":"%2"', Locked = true; begin Indent += 1; foreach jToken in jObject.Values do begin case (true) of jToken.IsArray: begin jArray := jToken.AsArray(); tb.AppendLine(GetIndent(Indent) + '"' + GetTokenName(jToken) + '"' + ':' + '['); for i := 0 to (jArray.Count - 1) do begin jArray.Get(i, jToken); tb.Append(DoPrettyPrintJsonContent(jToken.AsObject(), Indent + 1)); end; tb.AppendLine(GetIndent(Indent) + ']'); end; jToken.IsObject: begin tb.AppendLine(GetIndent(Indent) + '"' + GetTokenName(jToken) + '"' + ':'); tb.Append(DoPrettyPrintJsonContent(jToken.AsObject(), Indent)); end; jToken.IsValue: begin Clear(ValueContent); if (not jToken.AsValue().IsNull) and (not jToken.AsValue().IsUndefined) then ValueContent := jToken.AsValue().AsText(); ValueContent := GetIndent(Indent) + StrSubstNo(ValuePair, GetTokenName(jToken), ValueContent); if (Counter < (jObject.Values.Count - 1)) then ValueContent += ','; tb.AppendLine(ValueContent); end; end; Counter += 1; end; Indent -= 1; exit(tb.ToText()); end; procedure GetTokenName(jToken: JsonToken) Output: Text begin Output := jToken.Path; while (StrPos(Output, '.') > 0) do Output := CopyStr(Output, StrPos(Output, '.') + 1); exit(Output); end; local procedure GetIndent(Count: Integer) IndentValue: Text var Spacer: Char; i: Integer; begin Spacer := 12288; for i := 1 to Count do IndentValue += Spacer; end; }
field("Response Content"; Rec."Response Content".HasValue) { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Response Content'; ToolTip = 'Specifies the value of the "Response Content" field'; Editable = false; trigger OnDrillDown() begin MessageBlobContent(Rec, Rec.FieldNo("Response Content"), true, true); end; }
procedure MessageBlobContent(RecordVar: Variant; FieldID: Integer; JsonContent: Boolean; EnableSaveOption: Boolean) var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; RecRef: RecordRef; FldRef: FieldRef; DataStream: InStream; Content: Text; TargetDirectory: Text; TargetFilename: Text; ConfirmSaveLbl: Label 'Would you like to Save this content to a File ?\\%1', Comment = '%1 = Blob Content'; SelectTargetCaptionLbl: Label 'Select Destination'; FileTypeLbl: Label 'Json File *.json| *.json'; FilenameFormatTok: Label 'BlobContent-%1.json', Locked = true; begin RecRef.GetTable(RecordVar); FldRef := RecRef.Field(FieldID); if (FldRef.Type <> FieldType::Blob) then exit; TempBlob.FromRecordRef(RecRef, FieldID); if (not TempBlob.HasValue()) then exit; TempBlob.CreateInStream(DataStream); DataStream.ReadText(Content); if (Content = '') then exit; if (JsonContent) then Content := JsonLibrary.PrettyPrintJsonContent(Content); if (not EnableSaveOption) then begin Message(Content); exit; end; if (not Confirm(StrSubstNo(ConfirmSaveLbl, Content), false)) then exit; TargetFilename := StrSubstNo(FilenameFormatTok, Format(CurrentDateTime(), 0, '<Year4><Month,2><Day,2>-<Hours24><Minutes,2><Seconds,2>')); DownloadFromStream(DataStream, SelectTargetCaptionLbl, TargetDirectory, FileTypeLbl, TargetFilename); end;