PROCEDURE ShowDocDim@32(); VAR DocDim@1000 : Record 357; DocDims@1001 : Form 546; BEGIN DocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Sales Header"); DocDim.SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type"); DocDim.SETRANGE("Document No.","No."); DocDim.SETRANGE("Line No.",0); DocDims.SETTABLEVIEW(DocDim); DocDims.RUNMODAL; GET("Document Type","No."); END; BEGIN { <changelog> <add id="GR0001" dev="jhoek" date="2004-11-22" area="BRANCHES" request="gr-start-40" releaseversion="GR4.00">Branches</add> <add id="GR0002" dev="jhoek" date="2004-11-22" area="NOSERIES" request="gr-start-40" releaseversion="GR4.00">No. Series</add> <add id="GR0003" dev="jhoek" date="2004-11-22" area="REBATES" request="gr-start-40" releaseversion="GR4.00">Rebates</add> <add id="GR0004" dev="jhoek" date="2004-11-22" area="SALESSHIP" request="gr-start-40" releaseversion="GR4.00">Sales Invoice - Shipments</add> <add id="GR0005" dev="jhoek" date="2005-03-18" area="INVTNOTNEG" feature="PS7143" releaseversion="GR4.00.A">Added field to carry batch posting flag</add> </changelog> } END. } <---- This is line 10530 }
etc. etc.... I had been solving some cases on-line with other peaople about the NDT, they had problem that the exported file was corrupted, some characters was missing (mainly in Caption ML at the end of line) etc...
And that is is saying that it is at the end of object, it means, that it is somewhere in the object. Look at Caption ML lines etc...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I have errors when I export merged version to Navision Client
message like this - Write object(s).......The import stopped at line ...
any object
I use NDT 2.0 SP1 and connect to 4.0 database
Somebody did it?