Looking for free object IDs is a little bit frustrating.
Does anyone know any VSC extension that would help with finding not occupied ID for my new object in the project?
Or what is your way to do that?
That depends:
1. Available object id regarding to the setting in your app.json range?
2. available object regaring the customers licens and assigned objects?
Hey, I know what and what for the app.json manifest file is.
I was asking for the extension for Visual Studio Code, which will tell me what is the next ID I can use for any object type while creating new AL file, because it is a little bit frustrating going through each object of specific type and see which ID I can use next. It is easy when your project has few objects of each type, but gets really annoying when the project has tens of it...
I don't know if you understood what I was asking for:
I don't want to get that information in BC but inside Visual Studio Code and before I sit and make such extension on my own, I just wanted to know if there is something similar that I can use.
@dreez - Yep I do understand your concern and its truly cumbersome job but getting it to know from VS Code I guess it's not possible and not available yet.
I don't think it is not possible. It may only be unavailable, but making the script, which will analyse each object ID and then finds the lowest possible number is... easy to do.
My question was: "do you know extension available in VSC that will do what I want?".
I see that you don't, so, yeah, I will probably spend few hours and create something like that for myself.
1. Available object id regarding to the setting in your app.json range?
2. available object regaring the customers licens and assigned objects?
For 1. try https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=andrzejzwierzchowski.al-code-outline
app.json range would be fine for me.
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Hey, I know what and what for the app.json manifest file is.
I was asking for the extension for Visual Studio Code, which will tell me what is the next ID I can use for any object type while creating new AL file, because it is a little bit frustrating going through each object of specific type and see which ID I can use next. It is easy when your project has few objects of each type, but gets really annoying when the project has tens of it...
I don't know if you understood what I was asking for:
I don't want to get that information in BC but inside Visual Studio Code and before I sit and make such extension on my own, I just wanted to know if there is something similar that I can use.
Blog - rockwithnav.wordpress.com/
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My question was: "do you know extension available in VSC that will do what I want?".
I see that you don't, so, yeah, I will probably spend few hours and create something like that for myself.
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