WMS: quarantine recieved goods until put-away

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0

we've setup our warehouse with one location (require recieve, require put-away) and a dedicated bin to recieve goods. Is it possible to quarantine recieved goods (not to show them in the inventory) until they are put-away?

Basically what we need is not to show the contents of a certain bin (receive) in the inventory (for the sales people not to see that stock). As far as I checked the underlying code, there seems to be no way to filter inventory from item ledger entry by bin. Is there any workaround beside using an additional location?



  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    In Navison Financials (<2.65) the bin code was a field (ID 5403) of the item ledger entry, but since the WMS creates its own inventory with the warehouse entries these fields were removed when 3.01 was introduced.

    If only basic WMS with standard bins is employed and floating bins ( Directed put -away) or bin movements are not used, this might work :

    You could recreate this field , add the bin code to the inventory flowfilter field in the item table, add the bin code to the item ledger keys where inventory SumIndexFields are used, set up a standard bin on the item card and put a flowfilter on this bin when the record is read.

    If then the bin code is written to the item ledger when the put-away is registered the inventory is only then shown on the item card. But all the other means of displaying the inventory (forms and reports) need to be modified too (or disabled) ( Item by Location, Item Availability by..,etc.).
    Kai Kowalewski
  • Thanks for the reply. It sounds like a lot of dirty work. :)

    I also had a similar idea only using a codeunit to calculate quarantined qty, then modifying all the availability and reservation methods to be aware of that quantity. But it's whole lot of mess since Navision has heard yet of the concept one resposibility = one code. Availability is calculated in numerous different places, not even done sistematically... ah... to hell with it.

    Another idea was to use reservations: automatically reserve the quantity that enters a quarantined bin, release reservation when it parts. But there is also a problem, since there is no evidence of application beetwen warehouse entries (or is there?), in other words, which warehouse entry was closed by another entry which shows the departure from quaratined bin. Or should I use FIFO?

    Been thinking of this and analyzing the code for some days now... I dream of warehouses at night. ;)

    be good,

  • Now, to answer my own question.

    The idea of quanrantine presented here does not camoflage the stock. Instead it works with reservations. While the quarantined qty. is still in stock, it cannot be reserved whatsoever.

    Standard logics of Navision is not to allow reservations on qtys. allocated in warehouse (see reservation form - qty. allocated in warehouse). Qty. alloc in warehouse includes quantities on outbound bins (shipment, production floor, inbound production etc. see field help). The outbound bins are defined in codeunit 7312 Create Pick, function SetOutboundFilter(rLocation). I took the liberty to add a filter for our bin (be it receive bin or any other bin).

    WITH Location2 DO BEGIN
      IF "Open Shop Floor Bin Code" <> '' THEN
        Filter := "Open Shop Floor Bin Code";
      IF "Inbound Production Bin Code" <> '' THEN
        IF Filter <> '' THEN
          Filter := STRSUBSTNO('%1|%2',Filter,"Inbound Production Bin Code")
          Filter := "Inbound Production Bin Code";
      IF "Adjustment Bin Code" <> '' THEN
        IF Filter <> '' THEN
          Filter := STRSUBSTNO('%1|%2',Filter,"Adjustment Bin Code")
          Filter := "Adjustment Bin Code";
    //>>Added code
    IF Filter <> '' THEN
      Filter := STRSUBSTNO('%1|%2',Filter,'MYBIN')
      Filter := 'MYBIN';
    //<<Added code

    Alas, we have a reservation quarantine on MYBIN. Now this hasn't been tested much. Things may go wrong, there is no guarantee for this concept to work at all.
    I encourage you to comment on this; did I miss something, what could go wrong.

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