Datatype problem with ADO

NaveenReddyNaveenReddy Member Posts: 53
edited 2005-09-13 in Navision Financials
Hi Guys,
I am trying to get data from Mysql database into navision, everything works good but when i try to get data from BIGINT datatype from Mysql navision is giving a error saying it doesnot support this data type.

Is there any way to get the data from BIGINT from Mysql to navision
using ADO. Error is generated at this line

where ADOrs is activex data type and RecordNo is BigInt.

Naveen Reddy


  • nelsonnelson Member Posts: 107
    Maybe you can try the following work around:
    It's for a different unsupported data type but it may also work for bigint.
    Nelson Alberto
  • NaveenReddyNaveenReddy Member Posts: 53
    Thanks Man,
    It works Great...this what i did

    Try defining a function called "ReadADOFieldDecimal"

    Local Parameters
    adField Automation 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library'.Field
    Local ReturnValue
    DecimalValue Decimal
    Local Variables
    adStream Automation 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 Library'.Stream

    adStream.Position := 0;
    IF EVALUATE(DecimalValue,adStream.ReadText) THEN ;

    Then call the function:
    NaviTable.NaviField := ReadADOFieldDecimal(adRecordset.Fields.Item(FieldNo));
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