Stockout warning

allendeallende Member Posts: 51
Hi all,

How can I control the stock out level , when I posting an order.
Exactly, if stock level is negative, show an alert when I click F11. Where should I write the code, which codeunit and what is the code ???
Pls hlp .. :-k


  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    If you put an ERROR with the inventory check in Codeunit 21 - OnRun, it will be sure that you will never have negative inventory.

    Something like this:

    Item.GET("Item No.");
    Item.SETFILTER("Location Filter","Location Code");
    Item.SETFILTER("Variant Filter","Variant Code");
    IF item.Inventory<=0 then begin

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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