Is this the most stupid thing in AL coding?

samantha73samantha73 Member Posts: 112
Well, I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to pass a parameter to a code unit and the way NAV/BC does this is not intuitive at all. here's an example from Github

"Teaching AL development to an experienced outside developer is an many aspects interesting. Just take this topic.

So he starts programming a codeunit object in AL like this:

codeunit 66666 MyCodeunit
trigger OnRun()

And now he would like to add a parameter to the OnRun trigger. What is the most intuitive way to do that? What would be most logic for any non-NAV developer to do that?
Right, like adding a parameter to any function. Place your cursor in between the bracket and start typing:

codeunit 66666 MyCodeunit
trigger OnRun(var Rec : Record "My Table")

Indeed, VSCode will error telling that this is a wrong signature. All NAV developers know you have to define the TableNo property (well, I even dare to argue that):

codeunit 66666 MyCodeunit
TableNo = "My Table";

trigger OnRun( )


seriously how hard can it be?


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