Been asked to add a flag (checkbox) that includes or excludes products on the item card by a certain location.
eg say the item is spoons now they can come from 8 locations and we will get a sum showing in the available live stock for all locations, i need to exclude 1 location based on a checkbox.
I have create a new field in the table called chkflag and added this to the item card as a checkbox
my question now is the logic and where is the the best place to put this.
Onvalidate event
Benny Giebens
so when NOT checked it excluded items from STUDIO LOCATION
LocalItem := Rec;
LocFilter := '';
Location.SETRANGE("Include In Auction Schedule",TRUE);
IF Location.FIND('-') THEN
LocFilter += Location.Code + '|';
UNTIL Location.NEXT = 0
ERROR('Please set relevant Locations as "Include In Auction Schedule" (Inventory -> Setup -> Locations -> planet tab).');
LocFilter := DELCHR(LocFilter,'>','|');
LocFilter := DELCHR(LocFilter,'>','|');
LocalItem.SETFILTER("Location Filter",LocFilter);