Need overview and code help Auction management

RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
Been asked to add a flag (checkbox) that includes or excludes products on the item card by a certain location.

eg say the item is spoons now they can come from 8 locations and we will get a sum showing in the available live stock for all locations, i need to exclude 1 location based on a checkbox.

I have create a new field in the table called chkflag and added this to the item card as a checkbox
my question now is the logic and where is the the best place to put this.
Onvalidate event


  • BGIBGI Member Posts: 176
    You need to use the stockkeeping items for this. Is standard functionality.
    Benny Giebens
  • RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
    Hi thank you for the response can you explain this a bit further, example?

  • RKMRKM Member Posts: 26
    no license to that function but i found this code in the item table that calculates all the items available in all locations, i have created a check box in the item table called flag how do i incorproate this into the code
    so when NOT checked it excluded items from STUDIO LOCATION

    LocalItem := Rec;
    LocFilter := '';
    Location.SETRANGE("Include In Auction Schedule",TRUE);
    IF Location.FIND('-') THEN
    LocFilter += Location.Code + '|';
    UNTIL Location.NEXT = 0
    ERROR('Please set relevant Locations as "Include In Auction Schedule" (Inventory -> Setup -> Locations -> planet tab).');
    LocFilter := DELCHR(LocFilter,'>','|');
    LocFilter := DELCHR(LocFilter,'>','|');
    LocalItem.SETFILTER("Location Filter",LocFilter);
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