Navision implementation help

alam123alam123 Member Posts: 4
Hi All,

I am in a position that I have to implement navision for a retail business.
I have overall concept about the product . I am confident that I can implement the product. Could any body help me at the initial state. Could
any body tell what are the steps I should take to implement the product only. At the moment I am not thinking about to bring business logic outside of the product but I will appreciate if any of you can help me to bring the business logic outside of the product.

Well I am looking for something like if any of you can give me any tutorial, which explains a real life example from start to end or if any of you share your experience with me . My email address is

Best regards,


  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    What is your relationship with the retail business? (partner/owner, employee, consultant)?

    Are you expected to do the implementation yourself, or just manage and assume responsibility?

    Have you established a business relationship with a local NSC or Navision independent consultant that you can use as a resource?

    Do you have any experience with Navision?

    Have you ever implemented an accounting system?

    While you are doing this, who is doing your real job?

    Are you expecting someone to teach you Navision implementation for free? I have work at accounting system implementation/development for the better part of 20 years (6+ with Navision). Like many others contributing to this forum, this represents a significant investment. Those of us contributing to this forum are more than willing to assist each other with specific issues. But I would not expect to be given Navision Implementation A - Z for free.


    1. Answer the above questions. If you do not respond to the message, at least take the time to answer these questions for yourself.

    2. Estabish what is expected of you and what resource you will be given to accomplish this.

    3. If the expectation is that you are going to do this completely on your own without any other (paid) resources: Update Your Resume
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • Edward_BloomfieldEdward_Bloomfield Member Posts: 155
    I have worked for seven years in a Navision Support/Customer Services/Consultancy & Training Capacity and only now would be happy to take on a small implementation (Say 1 to 5 users - Few mods) single handed without the backing of other members of my company. If you haven't had experience of setting up Navision (Or another "big-ish" ERP packange - Nothing like Sage) before either as a reseller consultant or in close co-operation with one before you should not contemplate proceeding with this project without involving someone else with plenty of previous experience.

    There is no "set way" to implement Navision. This can only be gained by the experience of working with those who have done it before - Every, and I do mean every implementation, is different (I have seen in the region of 200 implementations). Except in the most simple back office finance situations, implementing Navision is not just a case of installing the software and following a checklist to turn certain features on.

    Important question: If your experience of Navision is limited, who is going to train the users? The best technincal and analytical implementation will fail if the training is not of a high standard.

    I would get in someone more knowledgeable in.
    Edward Bloomfield

    Lead Consultant
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