procedure GenerateFile() var GJL : Record "Gen. Journal Line"; begin GJL.Reset; if GJL.findset then repeat DownloadFile(GJL."Document No."); until = 0; end; procedure DownloadFile(DocNo:Code[20) var FileExportedName: Text; InStream: InStream; OutStream: OutStream; TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; begin FileExportedName := DocNo; TempBlob.CreateInStream(InStream); DownloadFromStream(InStream, '', '', '', FileExportedName); end;
Is a limitation of the web client, if ypou need to download more than a file you have to create a zip with them and download it.
Take a look a this:
it doesnt work..
seems like this one only for old version
How can we manage ZIP files from Cloud?
use this
even though it's a little bit weird but acceptable.
Thank you so much.