Hi all,
I have different companies running on same database.
Problem: Running page customer list with some flowfields:
In one company running the customer page it runs perfectly.
On other companies it runs very slow and even closes NAV.
I think it's a index problem missing those table of different , but can't figure out which.
Does anyone got an idea how to help me?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks . The page had two flow fields where visible was to false.
Property Value
FieldClass FlowField
CalcFormula Sum("G/L Entry".Amount WHERE (G/L Account No.=FILTER(217..21799),Source Type=CONST(Customer),Source No.=FIELD(No.)))
And other
Property Value
FieldClass FlowField
CalcFormula Sum("G/L Entry".Amount WHERE (G/L Account No.=FILTER(2117..211799),Source Type=CONST(Customer),Source No.=FIELD(No.)))
Removed it from the page.
And works fine now.
Indeed. I noticed that in the company where there was an index created it runs very well. I will replicate that index to other companies.