"T_id should come here." - import txt error

JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267

1. I export almost 200 object's in one txt file.
2. I renumbering this file with renumbering tool
3. Import give me that error "T_id should come here."

When i cut 5 codeunits form file(Line where import stops) import works fine.What means that error? Object structore in file is good for me..but..i can be mistaken

Another problem ( maybe problem with no answer)

I have List type form with huge numer of fields (maybe 150-200)
This form work normally
1. Export form in txt format
2. Import form give me an error something like that ( Xpos is 106500 Xpos of control must be 0..100000)
3.Import stops

It is funny because Xpos can be > 100000 . This problem not exist for Fob format
Anybody solve that?



  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262

    For problem 1 looks like the renumbering tool messed something up. What you can try is to compare with the orriginal using Beyond Compare.

    Does the orriginal textfile import correctly? I had a few times in the past that even a new exported textfile would not import correctly.

    2nd problem is a known issue. Only solution is to remove all columns in the textfile and add them later on in Navision Form designer.
  • JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267
    Thank for reply.

    I compare files with araxis and everything is the same without number.

    By the way..

    I already solve this problem.. but this is weird. I cut object(one by one) with error and copy to new file txt. Import work fine

  • JedrzejTJedrzejT Member Posts: 267
    One object still can't import

    I cut this off from text file and error disappear

    PROCEDURE @1000000001();
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Looks like a function without a Caption :D

    So T_id means "Function Name" :!:

    Navision allows this in the C/AL editor, but gives an error when imported as text file.

    Not very consistent :(
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    2. Import form give me an error something like that ( Xpos is 106500 Xpos of control must be 0..100000)
    I have also stumbled into this problem. I just opened the original object, changed the Xpos to a number lower then 100000. Exported again as text. Launched the renumbering tool. Imported. Compiled. No errors.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Got the same error today but a different solution: someone created a variable named "var". Seems Navision cannot handle that. :?
  • FreemanFreeman Member Posts: 28
    Hi all.

    Today I have faced with same error "T_id should come here."
    Someone created parameter Array in function.
    So, such error also appear when reserved words used as variables names.

    Maybe it help for somebody.
    Got the same error today but a different solution: someone created a variable named "var". Seems Navision cannot handle that. :?
  • DanKDanK Member Posts: 34
    Freeman wrote:
    Maybe it help for somebody.

    It certainly was.. I just had the exact same problem. A parameter called 'Array' #-o


  • MisConsultngMisConsultng Member Posts: 17
    Yes, I am getting the same error if a reserved word is used as variable, in my case also VAR. :)
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