Is over pick possible on the pick ticket for a production order?

MinervaM84MinervaM84 Member Posts: 32
edited 2021-03-11 in NAV Three Tier
Using NAV 2013 R2
Hello! We are trying to implement picks for production orders but Nav doesn't allow us to pick more than quantity on pick ticket. Reason why we need to do this is our scrap on production runs varies very often. Example, we a production order of finished goods calling for 100 labels. To set up the labeler machine it takes 5 to 10 labels depending on how things are. We can easily add this to the scrap in the production order components line and have it to call for 110 labels. But lets say, for some reason we had to use 30 units more maybe some labels were damaged, etc. Does this means we need to update the scrap in the production order? or can we have Nav to pick 130 instead of 100?
Any feedback is appreciated!


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