Here's a fun one! 4.0 Whse Mgt and Lot Control!

DarkSideDarkSide Member Posts: 46
Doesn't appear to work very well out of the box. I can put 100 cases of lot A in bin 1 and if the same item, regardless of the lot is in bin 2, I can go ahead and pick lot A from bin 2. Nice...

The assist doesn't work on the warehouse activity lines either. If you have a posted pick, and the order hasn't shipped yet, the reservation entries for that pick are applied to all of the lots from the posted pick. Essentially on the lot no. assist lookup it looks like the inventory isn't available when it really is.

Anyone out there ever have fun with this?

This is what I've done to fix it: I left in the existing validation code which uses the item ledger and reservation entries to test the availability of the lot in total. I added some new fields to the entry summary table to get solid values on the lot no. assist form. I used the same modification (without the assist form) to validate the pick data. It all seems to work but obviously this could create huge issues if I missed something.

Is there anyone out there that has experienced this? Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
My mommy says I'm special
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