Work description field not visible on sales order page in Business Central

Hi experts,

When our customer uses his Business Central Cloud (production), the field "Work description" on the sales order page, is not visible.

There are no extensions or personal changes to that page.

When he try to make personal changes to the page (add/remove fields etc.) the field "Work description" is NOT on the list of fields, that can be added. But if he adds the field "Area" (field number 101), then suddenly BC adds a group with the bold text "Work description" and with the fields "Area" and "Work description" in it.

If he then hides the field "Area", both the fields ("Area" and "Work description") and the group with the bold text is removed.

What is going on?

When I log on using my own account to the customers sandbox or production, it works fine: "Work description" is visible as default and I can add and remove it and "Area" one field at a time and do whatever I want.

The customer has been using a trial version of Business Central of some sort before. Maybe that user is set up wrong somewhere?

I hope you can help.
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