Make it impossible to print report

MGoosenMGoosen Member Posts: 17
Hey everyone,

For a project at work, a report has to be altered so that is only possible to print the report if the report is run from a certain page. So for example, printing is only possible from the sales line page and not from the customer card page. In both pages, making a preview should still be possible.

Is there a way to pull this off or is it better to just tell the users to not print from the customer card page? (I already figured out that putting an error code in the OnPreReport trigger of the report stops the report from printing, but this only works if printing is never allowed. So maybe it is possible to link a variable to the OnPreReport trigger or something?)


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    You should create global function in report to set global variable, which you can use to decide to print or not.
    This function you should call from any point you can.
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