Deep insert in API page problems

skollopsskollops Member Posts: 3

I'm having some trouble using API in my cloud BC. I have it working in my local docker container, but the syntax seems a bit different against my cloud BC.

This path seems to work fine.{{tenant}}/{{environment}}/ODataV4/Company('{{company}}')/salesReturnOrder

However, when I want to expand on the items part of the page, the property can't be found, the error is below.{{tenant}}/{{environment}}/ODataV4/Company('{{company2}}')/salesReturnOrder?$expand=items
    "error": {
        "code": "BadRequest",
        "message": "Could not find a property named 'items' on type 'NAV.salesReturnOrder'.  CorrelationId:  d09b8fd3-1119-46fe-9c07-226d1bcdc726."

So how do I expand properly? I guess the problem is the URL.
Below is a bit more information:

I had the same problem on my docker-container, but I fixed it by using another syntax in the request url. Here is the syntax I use there:
The difference I can see is that I use the publisher and apiGroup to make it clear what should be expanded.

The pages:
page 50003 "SalesReturnOrder_REAP"
    PageType = API;
    Caption = 'modifySalesReturnOrder';
    APIPublisher = '{{publisher}}';
    APIGroup = '{{apiGroup}}';
    APIVersion = 'v1.0';
    EntityName = 'salesReturnOrder';
    EntitySetName = 'salesReturnOrder';
    SourceTable = "Sales Header";
    DelayedInsert = true;
    ModifyAllowed = true;
    DeleteAllowed = false;

                field(customerNo; "Sell-to Customer No.")

                field(documentNo; "No.")

                field(type; "Document Type")
                part(items; Items_REAP)
                    ApplicationArea = All;
                    EntityName = 'item';
                    EntitySetName = 'items';
                    SubPageLink = "Document No." = field("No."), "Document Type" = Const("Return Order");

And the page used in the part:
page 50004 "Items_REAP"
    PageType = API;
    Caption = 'items';
    APIPublisher = '{{publisher}}';
    APIGroup = '{{apiGroup}}';
    APIVersion = 'v1.0';
    EntityName = 'item';
    EntitySetName = 'items';
    SourceTable = "Sales Line";
    DelayedInsert = true;
    ModifyAllowed = false;
    DeleteAllowed = false;
                field(itemNo; "No.")
                field(itemType; "Type")
                field(itemDescription; "Description")
                part(serialNo; serialNo_REAP)
                    EntityName = 'serialNo';
                    EntitySetName = 'serialNo';
                    SubPageLink = "Item No." = field("No."), "Source ID" = field("Document No.");


    trigger OnInsertRecord(BelowxRec: Boolean): Boolean
        Insert(true); // Call the Table trigger because the API does not call it.

        exit(false); // Must abort the Page trigger because the record has already been inserted.

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