Hi all,
I have synchronized my outlook with navision
and when i try mailing my contacts in relationship
management the entries are getting logged to the
interaction log entries but when the contact replies i
just getting a notification through outlook but its
not getting logged to the interaction log entries. Is
there any specific set up for this to work.
I think that you should distinguish between the Outlook Synchronization feature and E-Mail Logging feature - since they are quite different and not related to each other.
Outlook Synchronization synchronizes Contacts/Todos/Salespeople with outlook - it has nothing to do with logging of mails in ILE. You set it up on your Salesperson/Purchaser Card.
E-Mail Logging feature does log your incoming and outgoing mail. You set it up on Relationship Management Setup form - E-Mail Logging tab. This is what you need.
I an sure there are plenty of topics in this forum describing how to setup the E-Mail logging feature - try to search for them