Power BI Query Web Service

TESDeveloperTESDeveloper Member Posts: 42
I have created a Query to export the Dimension Values for Power BI. The 'Name' column however is coming back empty with the caption "Name_FilterOnly" instead of 'Name'.


Can anyone explain why this is and how to display it correctly?

query 50100 "TDimensions"

//QueryType = Normal;

dataitem(DimensionValue; "Dimension Value")
column(Code; Code)
Caption = 'Code';
column(Dimension_Code; "Dimension Code")
{ }
column(Dimension_Value_ID; "Dimension Value ID")
{ }
column(Global_Dimension_No_; "Global Dimension No.")
{ }
column(DimValuetype; "Dimension Value Type")
{ }
column(Totaling; Totaling)
{ }
column(Blocked; Blocked)
{ }
{ }
column(Name; Name)


Thank you.
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