Item charges affecting unit cost

RikarddoRikarddo Member Posts: 80
edited 2020-10-15 in NAV Three Tier
I'm facing the following problem: when a Purchase Order with a respective item has some charges, for example transport and insurance, and i invoice the Purchase Receipt of the item and only one of the charges, the charge pending will affect my Unit Cost

The cost expected of the insurance is afecting the unit cost. The problem is without the invoice of the Transport Vendor, i cannot invoice it.


I mean of course the cost expected must affect the unit cost, but it affects wrong in these cases...

How can i surpass this situation?


  • jesperkenborgjesperkenborg Member Posts: 9
    I believe the scenario is like this:

    PO 1: Order with items
    PO 2: Order with item charge #1 "transport"
    PO 3: Order with item charge #2 "insurance"

    In that case, as long as you have posted the receiving of the good from PO 1, the order of the rest of the processes should not matter.

    What NAV/BC version, localization and CU are you on?

    On what posting process do you get the error, and what is the error?
  • RikarddoRikarddo Member Posts: 80
    I believe the scenario is like this:

    PO 1: Order with items
    PO 2: Order with item charge #1 "transport"
    PO 3: Order with item charge #2 "insurance"

    In that case, as long as you have posted the receiving of the good from PO 1, the order of the rest of the processes should not matter.

    What NAV/BC version, localization and CU are you on?

    On what posting process do you get the error, and what is the error?

    Hi and thanks for the reply.

    I'm using NAV 2016 and the scenario is this: In PO i assign two charges (like u said).
    3 Purchase Receipts will be created. I invoice the first of the item and then the second of first charge.
    I can't invoice the third because i don't have the Vendor Invoice,

    This is the result


    My sales are being affected by the remaing cost expected to be invoiced. It will regularize after the Purchase Receipt of the charge is invoiced.

  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    I´ve been reading above.
    Well, I would say once you post the last invoice the expected will be real cost and this should look fine.?
  • RikarddoRikarddo Member Posts: 80
    txeriff wrote: »
    I´ve been reading above.
    Well, I would say once you post the last invoice the expected will be real cost and this should look fine.?

    Yes....but until there, my unit cost is wrong...
  • jesperkenborgjesperkenborg Member Posts: 9
    Hi again,

    Unfortunately, NAV 2016 do not post the cost on the item charge when you only post the receiving of item charge only. It is the same issue in NAV 2017 and 2018. Not sure if they have fixed that in BC, I have not checked that yet.

    But I got a work around you can use. If e.g. the item charge where you have not received the invoice e.g. is 100, you can do like this:

    STEP 1
    On the PO, make sure you have following lines:
    Line 1: Item Charge with quantity 1 and amount 100 (current line)
    Line 2: G/L 9999 (e.g. any temp account) with quantity -1 and amount 100 (NEW line)
    Line 3: G/L 9999 (e.g. any temp account) with quantity 1 and amount 100 (NEW line)

    STEP 2
    On the PO you update header with a temporary invoice number and the lines accordingly:
    Line 1: Item Charge with ship 1 and invoice 1
    Line 2: G/L 9999 with ship -1 and invoice -1
    Line 3: G/L 9999 with ship 0 and invoice 0

    STEP 3
    Post the PO. You will get the item charge updated on the item cost and a temporary invoice with zero amount.

    STEP 4
    When you get the invoice for the freight, update the PO with the correct invoice number and post the Line 3.
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