trigger OnAfterGetRecord(); var locCalculLoyerEntete : Record "Calcul Loyer Entete"; osInStream : InStream; sLine : Text; sCrLf : Text; cCr : Char; begin locCalculLoyerEntete.Get("No."); locCalculLoyerEntete.CalcFields("Documents Manquants"); // Transform BLOB "Documents Manquants" to Text in sDocsManquants sDocsManquants:=''; sLine:=''; cCr:=10; sCrLf:=Format(cCr, 1); // Display line break Clear(osInStream); if "Documents Manquants".HasValue then begin locCalculLoyerEntete."Documents Manquants".CreateInStream(osInStream); while not osInStream.EOS do begin osInStream.ReadText(sLine); sDocsManquants+=sLine+sCrLf; end; end; end;
try this one:
CR[1] := 10;
TempBlob.Blob := "Documents Manquants";
TempBlob.REadAsTExt(Cr, TEXTCODING::Windows);
CR - Text(1)
TEmpBlob - record TempBlob
The solution that I found is using a Text field that I fill with InStream