Typically, we can sort on any field by clicking on the column header, even flowfields. E.g. sorting on Net Change in T18 Customer works fine, as well as on Inventory in T27 Item.
However, if I try sort on Net Change in T15 G/L Account I get error:
"Sorting cannot be done based on the Net Change field(s) in the G/L Account table."
The same is for every flowfield in T15 G/L Account.
I’m talking here about running tables directly, not via pages (so IndentationColumnName and IndentationControls properties of Repeater group on page are irrelevant).
Anybody knows why is that and is there way to enable sorting on flowfileds of T15?
I think the reason of error is that there are two conditions for one field in CalcFormala in Table 15 field Net Change.