We have two boxes each running sql server 2000. We created a Navision database on the frist one with no problem but it is too slow. So we are trying to connect to the second using the exact same procedures. We get the following error message:
18452,"28000"[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Drive][SQL Server] Login failes for user "xxxxx". Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL server connection.
We can select the server from the list but we cannot connect to or see the database.
Both servers are in the same domain on the same subnet.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
Steve Gray
Enterprise Solutions
Salt Lake City, UT
In no particular order:
1. You are attempting to connect with a Database Login, and your SQL Server is configured for Windows only.
2. You are trying to connect to a SQL Server 2000 database from a Windows account that does not have sufficient permissions to connect to the server
3. Also check the net libaries being used.
This will manage the insert of the needed stored procedure in sql-server.
This is needed to validate windows login from within navision.
You can do this manually if you follow instructions in one of the documents on Navision CD. I think it was w1w1ism.pdf , but I'm not sure.
But it's easier to install a client and if needed deinstall it afterwards...
another thing:
are the users in SQL in both boxes the same?
or are they missing on the second one?
Michael Schumacher
oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)
Today I installed the 4.0 client on the secon box. When I try to connect to any database using the SQL client I get more or less the following message.
The ODBC drive must be upgraded to work with this version of the program. You can reinstall the MDAC from Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision client setup or update the SQL server tools.
I reinstalled the Navision client but got the same error.
Why wouldn't the client install update the ODBC driver?
Enterprise Solutions
Salt Lake City, UT
because the MDAC supplied on the CD is not the latest version,
Why? Don't Know, Ask the danish or american people about that
But, to solve your problem:
Download the latest MDAC from Microsoft (the last I know is 2.8) and install it.
I'm not sure, but maybe it's also in SP4 for SQL2000....
Michael Schumacher
oh, what day is it? Backup day. OK, let's dump all data to /dev/nul ;-)