Dynamic Low Level Code - can't certify BOMS

sil21sil21 Member Posts: 55
We have a situation (Nav 4.0) where we can not certify Production BOMS if there are certain items on the BOMS. We get the message

Max Levels in BOM Structure 50 is too high' .....

The items that can not be on the boms have low level code = 5 or greater. If we turn off the dynamic calculation of low level codes, they certifiy fine. The low level code batch job runs fine. But, after running it, and turning the dynamic flag back on, the BOMS still do not certify.

We have a copy of the company data that has items with Low Level code = 5 and they work fine. It seems to have hit a wall somewhere.

any suggustions?


  • Nav117Nav117 Member Posts: 15
    Hello there,

    I had this error a few months ago and we found it was due to a version that contained a loop.
    I managed to run the BOM level report and drill down each level. We must have reviewed it for 2-3 days before we identified the double up. Basically the customer had made the product a BOM of itself. Hence the product continued to loop and took it past the 50 level limit.
  • sil21sil21 Member Posts: 55
    yes - that was it. after many hours, we found an item that had replensihment system of PURCHASE but the Productin BOM field was set to a part that it was actually a raw material for.

    it took forever - thanks!
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