I'm in a dataconversion period and going life with Navion 4.0 by October 1'st 2005. We are currently running Navision 3.70 and are using the Indsutrial template and these tools to convert all our main data. However, when importing a table with dateformulafields (like table 3), all data are importet except for the dateformula fields.
Does anyone know why Navision (or the Excel Mapping tools) does not import the fields with type dateformula and how do I get these fields form Excel to Navision (could I maybe format these fields different?)
Thanks for any help
add a |%9 to the setfilter and then add Field.Type::Dateformula to the list.
You will also need to update the case statements in the functions 'AddColumnValue' and 'ImportValue' to support the type you are interested in (also in codeunit 8601).
Anyone ready for help - Thanks in advance
Add the code inside the case statement
You will need to add a local variable to the function:
Name: DateFormulaType
DataType: DateFormula
Hope this helps.