Sales Return Order - Wrong goods physically sent compared to posted sales shipment

ACHolchITACHolchIT Member Posts: 6

I have a scenario where we have shipped Item A according to Nav but in reality we have physically sent Item B. I want to use a return order to arrange the collection\receipt of Item B back from the Customer. However as from the Nav perspective it never left stock I don't want to do a receipt or credit the customer for Item B. Separately we want to raise an order for Item A that was originally ordered by the Customer and send it to them with 100% discount as they have already been invoiced for this item by the time this scenario occurs.

Is this possible using Return Orders and if so how can it be achieved?

Thanks In Advance

Best Answer

  • ACHolchITACHolchIT Member Posts: 6
    Answer ✓
    If anyone is interested this is what we did in the end with this issue.

    1. Put the return on as normal but marked Item A at 100% discount
    2. Enter a line on the order using standard text codes for speed and then including the Item B code, description and quantity all as text
    3. Create a new report to handle the collection, this report will hide any items with 100% discount
    4. Use standard functionality to create a sales from the return and put this sales order line for Item A at 100% discount
    5. Give the driver for the collection the new collection report that only shows the text line describing what he must collect
    6. Post the return both receipt and invoice once the goods have been collected.
    7. Post the replacement sales order ship and invoice once the replacement goods have been sent.
    7. The Customer gets a zero value credit on their account, gets the outstanding goods and they then pay the original invoice. No extra paperwork for the customer, the customer ledger is correct and the stock has been corrected.

    Hope this helps someone else in the future.


  • ACHolchITACHolchIT Member Posts: 6
    Answer ✓
    If anyone is interested this is what we did in the end with this issue.

    1. Put the return on as normal but marked Item A at 100% discount
    2. Enter a line on the order using standard text codes for speed and then including the Item B code, description and quantity all as text
    3. Create a new report to handle the collection, this report will hide any items with 100% discount
    4. Use standard functionality to create a sales from the return and put this sales order line for Item A at 100% discount
    5. Give the driver for the collection the new collection report that only shows the text line describing what he must collect
    6. Post the return both receipt and invoice once the goods have been collected.
    7. Post the replacement sales order ship and invoice once the replacement goods have been sent.
    7. The Customer gets a zero value credit on their account, gets the outstanding goods and they then pay the original invoice. No extra paperwork for the customer, the customer ledger is correct and the stock has been corrected.

    Hope this helps someone else in the future.
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