G/L description to contain same text as Invoice Line ?

Hello There, i want to change the description of the G/L Entry , when i post the purchase invoice i want to post the Purchase line description to the G/L Entry instead of "Posting Description".
Working on Nav 2018


  • AlexeyShaminAlexeyShamin Member Posts: 80
    Transaction in purchase correspond to:
    1. Header - Vendor transactions
    2. Lines - Item transactions (for each line)

    In which type of transaction you want change description?
  • when the type in the line = G/L Entry then i want when i post the purchase invoice then the description in G/L Entry should be the Purchase Invoice Line description
  • AlexeyShaminAlexeyShamin Member Posts: 80
    You need make next steps:
    1. add Field Description in Table 49 (text (50))
    2. in function PreparePurchase in table 49 add line: Description := PurchLine.description
    3. In table 81 in function CopyFromInvoicePostBuffer add lines:
    IF InvoicePostBuffer.description <> '' THEN
    Description := InvoicePostBuffer.description;
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