Hello There, i want to change the description of the G/L Entry , when i post the purchase invoice i want to post the Purchase line description to the G/L Entry instead of "Posting Description".
Working on Nav 2018
when the type in the line = G/L Entry then i want when i post the purchase invoice then the description in G/L Entry should be the Purchase Invoice Line description
You need make next steps:
1. add Field Description in Table 49 (text (50))
2. in function PreparePurchase in table 49 add line: Description := PurchLine.description
3. In table 81 in function CopyFromInvoicePostBuffer add lines:
IF InvoicePostBuffer.description <> '' THEN
Description := InvoicePostBuffer.description;
1. Header - Vendor transactions
2. Lines - Item transactions (for each line)
In which type of transaction you want change description?
1. add Field Description in Table 49 (text (50))
2. in function PreparePurchase in table 49 add line: Description := PurchLine.description
3. In table 81 in function CopyFromInvoicePostBuffer add lines:
IF InvoicePostBuffer.description <> '' THEN
Description := InvoicePostBuffer.description;