records from 2 tables shown in 1 page

MGoosenMGoosen Member Posts: 17
Hello everyone,

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to make a temporary page with records from 2 different tables? And if so, how to do this? If it is not possible to do this, does anyone have a good idea too get records from 2 different tables into 1 page.

My best idea is to use a temporary page or table, but I don't have any excerience with this, so all the information is welcome.


  • ShaiHuludShaiHulud Member Posts: 228
    The page wouldn't be temporary, just the records you show.

    If you want to show all the records from 2 tables in a single list, then it would be good idea to insert them into a temporary table, that has all the fields you want shown.

    If you don't need to show all the records together in a single list, then you could make a page with 2 sub-pages, one for each table, showing only its records.

    How similar is the table structure? Are there many fields that are unique to just one table? Do you want all the fields from both tables shown?
  • rxqrxqrxq_zydrxqrxqrxq_zyd Member Posts: 19
    maybe you can refer to sales Order , Page 42
  • MGoosenMGoosen Member Posts: 17
    The tables have the same fields and structure and not all the records need to be shown.
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