AlexshaAlexsha Member Posts: 2
edited 2005-09-11 in Navision Financials
So I'm using NF 2.60 with the C/ODBC driver and it seems I cannot use INNER JOINS. Seems odd to me, but no matter how simple, it errors out saying that INNER and/or JOIN are invalid tokens. Is there a way around this? Here's the query I want to run:
SELECT sle.No_, sle.Open, rh.Name, rh.Address, rh.City, rh.State, rh.""ZIP Code"", rh.""Country Code"", rh.Contact, rh.""Phone No_"", rh.""Fax No_"", rh.""E-Mail"", fa.""Bill-to Customer No_"" 
FROM ""Fixed Asset"" fa
	""Rental Header"" rh
		""Shipment Ledger Entry"" sle
		ON rh.No_ = sle.""Document No_""
ON fa.No_ = sle.No_
WHERE sle.Open = -1 AND fa.""Bill-to Customer No_"" = <CUSTOMER_NUMBER>;

So I either have to convert that to nested queries (which I am not very good at doing) or figure out if something else is wrong. Help from RMI has been pretty useless. They keep saying I have to use DAO.

The query on the ASP page will take an input customer number and return a recordset of all Fixed Assets that customer owns that we subrent. This way they have a web-based way to check on where their equipment is at any time.



  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    What Data Access method are you using?

    RMI is not providing useless information. The Navision C/Odbc driver for version 2.60 is an ODBC 2.0 compliant driver and does not support ADO.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
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