On the sales order subform page (displaying Sales order lines), I've added the flowfields Item."Qty. on Purch. Order" and Item."Qty. on Sales Order".
They're showing up just fine, with the correct values.
I now want to show the pages Purchase Order Lines respectively Sales Order Lines with the lines corresponding to the item in the sales order subform, when clicking on the values.
If I set the DrilldownPageID property to "Purchase Lines" in case of the "Qty on Purch. order", nothing happens.
If I set a local variable PagePurchaseLines of type Page, subtype Purchase Lines and write PagePurchaseLines.RUN in the OnDrillDown trigger, the page Purchase Lines opens, but with no filtering whatsoever.
In what way can I open the correct pages with filtering on the Item on the selected line in the subform?
if I understand you correctly, then you have a global record Item with the FlowFields.
The automatic Drilldown cannot work.
One possibility: Create the FlowFields in Sales Line itself and use automatic Drilldown.
The other possibility:
Code the OnDrillDown yourself.
Therefore you need a local record Purchase Line.
Set the corresponding Filters on Purchase Line.
Call PAGE.RUNMODAL(0, PurchaseLine)
(Or replace the 0 with your favorite page.)
With kindly regards
inhouse developer on NAV2016 (9.00.47838) NAVDE
I coded it myself, using your guidance.
It now works like a charm.