
Check if month and year exist between 2 dates

Hello everyone,

I have a function which receive 3 parameters CustomerNo, Year and Month.
I have to search on Contract Line Table and check if that Month and Year correspond to one of the contract lines.

What I did so far

AfisareContract(pCustomerNo : Code[20];pYear : Integer;pMonth : Integer;VAR pContractNo : Code[20];VAR pContractLine : Integer)

ContractHeader.SETRANGE("Customer No.",pCustomerNo);
ContractLine.SETRANGE("Contract No.",ContractHeader."No.");
StartYear := DATE2DMY(ContractLine."Starting Date",3);
EndYear := DATE2DMY(ContractLine."Ending Date",3);
StartMonth := DATE2DMY(ContractLine."Starting Date",2);
EndMonth := DATE2DMY(ContractLine."Ending Date",2);

IF ((pYear >= StartYear) AND (pYear <= EndYear)) AND ((pMonth >= StartMonth) AND (pMonth <= EndMonth)) THEN BEGIN
pContractNo := ContractLine."Contract No.";
pContractLine := ContractLine."Line No.";

UNTIL ContractLine.NEXT = 0;

For the year I think is correct how I did but is not for the Month.

How can I correctly search for the month and year and return the related contract line ??

Thank you

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    daniel_mitrea_1995daniel_mitrea_1995 Member Posts: 26
    Waw, very good idea. But that means when I create the date, I have to add a random day because I get only a month(integer) and a year(integer). So my pDate will be DMY2DATE('day',pMonth,pYear) right ?
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    DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    you can do a calcdate to find the first and last days of the month: -cm for the first (or just use 1) and +cm for last day of the month
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    waitwait Member Posts: 53
    Waw, very good idea. But that means when I create the date, I have to add a random day because I get only a month(integer) and a year(integer). So my pDate will be DMY2DATE('day',pMonth,pYear) right ?

    Yes or just use the first date of the month....Or if possible change the logic that calls the function to use actual date instead of month/year, if in the future you want to let contracts expire on specific date instead of month ;)
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    daniel_mitrea_1995daniel_mitrea_1995 Member Posts: 26
    Thank you
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