I know that this topic has been visited several times before, and I have read every one of them, but I still cannot get a full answer. Most of the threads are now a couple of years old, and I really need some current information.
We have a client desirous of sending his invoices and statements, as well as other things, as email attachments. Inasmuch as his logo is included, HTML will not work properly (or, at least, as expected). We have been testing a demo version of PDF Converter from Amyuni. It works fine, but has some drawbacks. We are NOT using it in automation mode, merely as a defined printer and that is where our problems lie.
Is anyone using this thing actively? I would really appreciate a reply from someone who is. Probably email or private-message me, rather than cluttering up the thread. If I learn something substantive, I will write it up and post it to the thread.
Many thanks.
Pat Houstoun, NCSD
President, Management Software Solutions, Inc.
- Arol